Bucks County Bookkeeping

Bucks County Bookkeeping has developed a bookkeeping program that will allow your CPA to complete your corporate and personal taxes in a more timely, cost-efficient manner;

RUN your business with up-to-date metrics and allow your accountants to AUDIT monthly vs. 100% year-end which increases COSTS!

A bookkeeper as defined in Webster's dictionary is; the art or practise of recording business accounts, transactions and tracking data.
  1. To MEASURE - A basis for comparison
  2. To TRACK - a path or direction something moves/may move
  3. To MANAGE - to direct or control
  4. To IMPROVE - to make or become better

Full-charge bookkeeping
Synch data with accounting firm via QuickBooks on-line
By synching, your accounting firm can audit/review monthly
Eliminates the "end of year" rush; to complete and extend
Recieve a monthly "dashboard" of your key business metrics