Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors
- Customized Reporting - Profit & Loss, sales, expenses, inventory, payroll/taxes
- Forecasting - Revenue, budgets, expenses, inventory requirements
- Set billing rates by employee, patient, vendor/pharma
- Print checks, pay bills, due dates, invoices, PO's, orders, etc..
- Track employees - payroll, expenses, etc.
- Track taxes on payroll. 1099's, 1096's.
- Track pharma inventory - drugs, trials, etc.
- Manage part #'s, pharma
- Track kept appointments, cancellations
- Track patient satisfaction
Member of American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers
- Develop and manage web-site
- Content includes; directions, schedules, email options for appointments, etc.
- Use technology to run your practise more efficiently
Appointment Confirmations
- Use our web-based automated appointment confirmation
- More cost effective than using your employees!
- Can even use the Dr's voice personna
Patient Satisfaction Program
- Surveys developed/printed by IVA.
- We will track patient input and identify areas for improvement
- Can also address your patients interest in you moving to email and additional automation, i.e. web-sites